DIAPER BANK needs youth and adult volunteers to package diapers for distribution to local agencies.
Ministry Chair: Deanna Hornback
The mission of the Dignity of Life Committee of Saint Bernadette Church is to raise the level of awareness of our fellow parishioners to the many threats to human life present in today's culture, one that Pope John Paul called "a culture of death". Further, we hope to inspire parishioners to pray and work toward changing this culture. We coordinate the parish support of “40 Days for Life” and the October Baby Bottle campaign. We support Little Way Pregnancy Resource Center with Mother’s Day rose sales. Other local ministries supported by our committee are Lifehouse, Golden Arrow, Angels in Disguise, and Saint Bernadette Diaper Bank.
Last year we raised more than $7,000 for Little Way Pregnancy Resource Center through the baby bottle campaign and Mother’s Day spiritual rose sales.
Gifts and talents: All members of high school age and beyond are welcome. This ministry also has many opportunities for youth service hours
Ministry Chair: Julie Bayens
GIVING TREE needs youth and adult volunteers in November/December
We partner with the following organizations to identify those in need of assistance.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY volunteers assist in roofing, painting, vinyl siding work, plumbing, general maintenance, clean up, and providing food for the workers as needed on parish build projects.
Ministry Chair: Lucy De la Vega
The Parish Twining ministry seeks to reach out to the international community with mutual prayer among parishioners from Saint Bernadette and Saint Louis de Gonzague of BonBon, Haiti as well as financial support. The satisfaction derived through compassion, service, and guided by our faith in God we gratefully reach to serve one another.
The committee meets monthly.
Ministry Chair: Angela Schmelz
RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVES are held numerous times each year. In addition to donating blood, volunteers are needed to register donors, assist Red Cross personnel, and serve refreshments.
2025 Blood Drives: February 22, April 26, June 28, August 30, October 25, December 20
Sign-Up at Redcrossblood.org. Look for StBernadette or St. Mary Academy in the list of locations or search by 40059 zipcode.
Ministry Chair: Rita Owens
SAINT VINCENT de PAUL (SVDP) CONFERENCE works with people one-on-one who are facing financial emergencies in our community.
Ministry Chair:
YOUTH FOR FOOD needs youth and adult volunteers in November to distribute flyers, collect food door to door, sort, and deliver the food to our local food pantry.
Ministry Chair:
Saint Bernadette's annual clothing drive for Holy Spirit Church in Jamestown, KY. collects ONLY gently used men's, women's, and children's clothing and shoes for the Thrift Store. Donated items can be dropped in the Church Narthex during the collection period. Any profits from the Thrift store are used to support the Social Ministry of Holy Spirit Church which helps the poor within the Jamestown community. DRIVERS are always NEEDED to help deliver collection.
Ministry Chair: David Ruhl
St. John Center provides shelter, social services, and supportive housing for homeless men in our area. They are always in need of particular items for those they serve. We have an annual collection during Lent. Volunteers are needed to help collect and deliver collected items.
Ministry Chair: Jane Queenan
Saint Bernadette is a member of Eastern Area Community Ministry. EACM is located in the John Knox Presbyterian Church on Westport Road. EACM seeks to help those struggling to meet basic needs. Your time and talent, whether it is one-on-one or behind the scenes, means so much to clients. Volunteers are the backbone of the operations.
Time: Volunteer time varies depending on how much you would like to be involved.
Gifts and talents:
Ministry Chair: Carolyn Hoskins