Download the Current G.I.F.T. Schedule
Download G.I.F.T. Family Handbook
G.I.F.T (Growing in Faith Together) - A Religious Education program for children Grades Prek(4)-8 in Public School. Children learn their Catholic Faith Traditions, and parts of the Catholic Mass, and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus through Christ through prayer and Mass.
Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion, and Confirmation are completed in the G.I.F.T. program for Saint Bernadette Public School children.
Classes start on September 8, 2024 (9:45am - 10:45am) and will run through April 2025. All classes are held in Saint Mary Academy.
Who is G.I.F.T. for?
It is for students enrolled in a public school or homeschooled.
It's for students with special needs. We welcome the opportunity to include your child in our program!
What is the Cost?
$75 per child
Children attending G.I.F.T. are eligible to play sports for Saint Mary Academy.
Remind is a free text app that is safe and easy. It enables us to safely and efficiently communicate with our families about important information relating to GIFT, including inclement weather cancellations or special reminders. For text messages, enter 81010 or (502) 694-1051 in your “message” section of your phone, then text this message: @giftstb
To receive messages via email, send an email to: [email protected]
Each summer a terrific team of parishioners bring young and old together for one week to help God’s Word come to life! Vacation Bible School (VBS) is held on the Saint Bernadette Campus during the summer.
Saint Bernadette Youth Ministry welcomes all 8th graders and high school youth. We meet every Thursday evening from 6:30pm to 8:00pm unless noted.
Sign up for text alerts: To: 81010 Msg: @8732eg
Questions (parents, you can ask too): [email protected]
Contact: Sharon Schuhmann—815-3103 or [email protected]